Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Value of Accreditation

Associating your business with the National Consumer Protection Bureau is a sign to potential customers that you are committed to treating them fairly. Accreditation with a consumer advocacy group such as NCPB can be what sets apart your business from your competitors.

Official accreditation is our most powerful tool for letting consumers know which businesses they can trust. Accreditation tells consumers a member business is a reputable, trustworthy company that cares about providing excellent customer service. For consumers that do online research to make informed buying decisions, NCPB accreditation indicates a respect for service and satisfaction that stands out from competition. It gives consumers confidence.

When you apply for accreditation with NCPB, we conduct due diligence to confirm your company meets our Gold Standard Code of Ethics so that consumers can continue to trust our endorsement. Upon successfully completing our due diligence process, we will award accreditation to your business. Accredited members are authorized to use the NCPB name and logo to promote their dedication to reliable service.

NCPB attracts consumers who prefer to hire accredited companies they can trust, making our website an easy and effective tool for generating more business. What’s more valuable than that?