Friday, July 20, 2012

How To Avoid Credit Card Scams

We see it all the time. Credit card companies offering low or no interest rates, unbeatable deals on APR, or even free money, but more often than not these companies just take your information (and your money) and don’t deliver on what they promise. Here are some tips on how to keep yourself safe from these credit card scams:

1.       ALWAYS read the “terms and conditions”: I know, it’s a pain to sort through all of the legal mumbo-jumbo in these documents, but this is the easiest and most vital way of protecting yourself from scams. You should always make sure to look over anything you sign and if it is difficult to understand, consider having a lawyer look it over.

2.      You can’t win a lottery you didn’t enter: If anybody offers you money for free, run the other way. Nobody wants to just give money away so if a company offers you cash for your personal or financial information, they are likely trying to steal from you. If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.

3.      Protect your money: Never send your financial information to anyone you don’t trust and always check your banking statements. It is important to only bank online from secure networks and computers and to always shred old statements and expired credit cards. The easiest way to protect yourself from fraud is to pay close attention to your banking history.

4.      Be vigilant: You should always be on the lookout for scammers since they can come in any form. Always be careful, and if you’re going to hire somebody or pay them with your credit card, make sure you can trust them.

There are plenty of people out there who will promise you anything to get a hold of your credit card information. The National Consumer Protection Bureau keeps an eye on businesses and all of our members are required to adhere to our Gold Standard Code of Ethics. We ensure that you can trust our accredited members and that they won’t take advantage of your information.

Who has tried to rip you off recently?