Saturday, July 7, 2012

Keep Your Home Cool This Summer For Less

The hot summer months mean backyard barbeques, trips to the pool and ice cream cones galore, but they can also mean sky-rocketing energy costs and a struggle to keep your home at a tolerable temperature. Here are some tips for keeping your house cool and your energy costs down:

1.      Insulate it all: The best way to ensure energy efficiency is to make sure your heating and cooling system is well-insulated, along with your attic, roof and siding. If it has been a while since your last insulation upgrade, consider getting a home assessment from a contractor.
2.      Keep the cool in: This might seem simple but keeping your windows and doors closed with shades drawn will keep your cool air in and block direct sunlight. However, not all windows are created equal. Some are better at keeping your conditioned air in and the hot air out and in the long run, it is worth it to consider having new windows installed.
3.      Vent the heat: With a kitchen and bathroom vent, you can get rid of all that heat and steam you create in the shower and on the stove. If you don’t already have them, make sure you have them installed to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.
4.      Protect your central air: It is important that you maintain your central air-conditioning unit. Having it checked for efficiency every summer will let you know when it’s time to consider a replacement.
5.      Upgrade your lighting: Incandescent and halogen lights create more heat than you’d think. Investing in compact fluorescent bulbs or even LED fixtures can ultimately save you money on cooling costs.

Having a contractor look over your home could help you save money on energy this summer and for years in the future. Visit and look through our consumer feedback to find the contractor that’s best for you.

Who else has tips for keeping cool this summer?